Project Update (May 2008)
After a review
of the FEIS and the comments received, the FHWA issued a Record of Decision
(ROD) on February 15, 2006 that approved a Selected Alignment Alternative for
the proposed bypass. Based on environmental studies, agency coordination, the
public input process, and in accordance with the National Environmental Policy
Act, the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) Preferred Line was
identified as the Selected Alignment Alternative. Click here to see a map of the Selected Alignment Alternative.
Based upon consideration of all the
social, economic and environmental evaluations contained in the Draft
Environmental Impact Statement, Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact
Statement (SDEIS), and FEIS, FHWA has determined the Selected Alternative (i.e.,
Alignment 5 Non-toll Funding Alternative) is the environmentally preferred
alternative. This alignment provides the best transportation solution that
minimizes harm to the environment to the maximum extent practicable while also
sufficiently addressing the Purpose and Need for action. While some of the other
alternatives evaluated, such as travel demand management and transit
alternatives, may have lesser impacts on certain environmental resources, those
alternatives do not provide a sufficient solution to the region's long-term
transportation needs, and their selection would not be reasonable or prudent.
The Selected Alignment Alternative also incorporates extensive measures to
avoid, minimize, and mitigate potential harm to the region's natural and human
environment. The United States Environmental Protection Agency has given a Lack
of Objection rating to the proposed project as described in the SDEIS. The study
for the proposed project evaluated impacts for Toll and Non-toll Funding
Alternatives. Each alignment analyzed represented two funding alternatives with
identical location, corresponding to a Toll and Non-toll (free) Funding
Alternative. The Selected Alignment Alternative is the Non-toll Funding
Alternative. In the future, if a decision is made that a toll facility will be
needed, environmental documentation will be prepared to address those additional
impacts that could result from the construction and operation of a toll
design has been prepared for the entire length of the Selected Alternative and
the Design Public Hearings were held in June. The
Design Public Hearings and comment period provides the public an opportunity to
view the preliminary design and provide input to the Department. These comments
will be reviewed and addressed in this project’s Design Reassessment. A Design
Reassessment is prepared when minor revisions are developed between the proposed
project and impacts as described in the FEIS and the proposed project developed
during preliminary design.