LITTLE ROCK (2-16) The Arkansas State Highway and Transportation Department (AHTD) will hold an open house Location and Design Public Hearing to provide information and take comments on the revised Russellville Bypass Preferred Alternative through the Pottsville area. 

The meeting will be held in Pottsville at the Pottsville High School Cafeteria, 500 Apache Drive, on March 15th from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

The original alternatives were previously evaluated and the results were documented in an Environmental Assessment (EA) released for public dissemination in January 2004.  From the EA analysis and comments at the public meetings, the AHTD chose a Preferred Alternative.  A Design Public Hearing for the Preferred Alternative was held on March 1, 2005 in Pottsville. 

A Value Engineering Study (VES) was completed in December 2005 as mandated by the National Highway System Act of 1995 for projects costing $25 million or more.  The VES supported the AHTD’s previous selection of the Preferred Alternative on the western portion of the project.  However, the VES identified a revised new location alternative in the Pottsville area that minimized costs while providing the needed improvements.

 Using updated environmental impact information and cost estimates, the AHTD has identified a revised alternative that complies with the VES concept while minimizing environmental impacts.  This revised alternative includes a local connector road from the bypass across Pine Ridge Road to Apache Drive, and it is considered the Preferred Alternative.  The AHTD has prepared an addendum to the EA to document the revised Preferred Alternative and its associated impacts.  The public hearing will be held to provide information and take comments about the revised Preferred Alternative.  Comments on the EA and the proposed project must be received by March 30, 2007, and should be mailed to the AHTD Environmental Division, P.O. Box 2261, Little Rock, Arkansas  72203-2261.


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