LITTLE ROCK (7-17)

 The Arkansas State Highway and Transportation Department (AHTD) has announced the availability of applications for the “Arkansas Safe Routes to School” program, according to Dan Flowers, AHTD Director.

The program uses 100% federal funding to implement educational programs and construct infrastructure projects to provide a safe environment for children in kindergarten through eighth grade to walk and bicycle to school.  There are three types of eligible funding:

     The “Safe Routes to School Startup Award” is designed to enable schools to establish Safe Routes Coalitions, develop comprehensive local Safe Routes to School plans and stage a Safe Routes to School event such as Walk to School Day.

Educational programs are intended to create awareness about the Safe Routes to School plan.  Activities include teaching pedestrian, bicycle and traffic skills.  Examples of reimbursable costs include bicycle and pedestrian safety curricula, Safe Routes to School training workshops that target school and community audiences, modest incentives for Safe Routes to School contests and reproduction of promotional and educational materials.

Eligible infrastructure projects include sidewalk improvements, traffic calming and speed reduction improvements, pedestrian and bicycle crossing improvements, on-street bicycle facilities, off-street bicycle and pedestrian facilities, secure bicycle parking facilities and traffic diversion improvements.

Applications and information about this program are available at Safe Routes to School Program Application
