Beginning in 1972 it became the goal of the Maintenance Division through the Maintenance Management Program to organize state force resources and establish various levels of maintenance needed to keep the system in sound condition.
Of optimum interest is maintaining a common “ focal point “. Although goals are consistent, local conditions often dictate a different route to the same result. There is not only the question of what to do and how to do it, but how to pay for it and fit it into a daily routine.
The Arkansas State Highway system consists of 18,645 2-lane miles of roads. The District maintenance responsibility varies from as low as 1,639 to 2,012 two lane miles.
District Maintenance Allotment
With regard to funding there are various allotments available to do the job including:
- The District Maintenance Expense Budget ($4-$5 million)
- Road Improvement Program (RIP) ($ .8 million)
- Overlay Allotment ($3 million)
- Contract Mowing Funds (varies but about $300,000 per district average)
- Equipment Replacement Funds ($500,000 – $600,000 per district)
The District Maintenance Expense Budget Allotment is based on the Maintenance Annual Work Program. This Program is a zero based budget request computed from an analysis of each individual District’s roadway mileage, surface types and conditions, as well as projected maintenance of roadsides and roadside facilities.
The Work Program planning process produces the number of employees needed for each crew to accomplish the planned work at the standard rate of productivity. The Crew and Equipment Complements further reflect the Work Program with specific numbers of employees and titles as well as pieces and type of equipment for the various crew assignments. The Crew and Equipment Complements are the responsibility of the Maintenance Management Section.
Contract Mowing Guidelines
The following criteria are used to establish contract mowing jobs quantities:
All routes will be mowed three times:
- Prior to the observed date for Memorial Day
During the month of July
Between October 1 and Thanksgiving
Mowing cycles will be completed within a two-week period following 10 day advanced notification by the District Engineer. Maintenance Division will coordinate the notices to begin mowing.
Pre-emerge herbicides will not be applied to contract routes.
Mowing widths or schedules may be modified to accommodate certain established wild flower areas. Litter removal will be included in all contract-mowing jobs.
Jobs will be let in January each year.
Contracts may be for a total of seven years (a one year contract with six one-year-renewals). Mowing widths on Interstate and other divided or multi-lane routes will be mowed according to current policies. Use the current contract quantity sheet form to record specific locations, widths and quantities on divided highway plans. 30’ right and left every cycle. Leave nothing less than 30’ in medians and interchanges.
Mow drainages and to frontage roads as needed. In transition area of ramps mow to fence if the adjoining property is occupied, cleared or otherwise maintained. Where others want you to mow outside of our mowing limits, provide them with a permit or some form of acknowledgement to allow them to mow in accordance with the law.
Non-divided routes:
Mowing contracts on non-divided routes will be assembled such that most contracts are for 300 - 500 acres for the final mowing. Swath widths on first and second mowing will be 10’ wide measured from the nearest paved surface (roadway or shoulder). The swath width for the final mowing will be 30' from the pavement edge or less depending on distance to right-of-way, non-movable area, or well established vegetation lines. “Good Neighbor Areas” may be mowed to the width and frequency (up to 3 cycles) necessary to maintain continuity with the adjoining property.
On non-divided routes Mow up to full R/W width every cycle in front of people’s homes where they might stop their mowing at the R/W line. Mow full width every cycle within urban parts of cities or towns. Mow full width on final mowing cycle along frontage of properties that are cleared and maintained by cultivating, mowing, grazing, or haying. For wooded or brushy property or where requested by the property owner, mow the 30’ maximum width as described
above. Use the standard “quantities form” to compute the quantities on contracts to be advertised for bids or to revise quantities on existing jobs planned for renewal.
Mowing Guidelines for State Forces
To provide consistency between the State and the Contract mowing programs, the following guidelines have been approved for the routes to be mowed by State Forces:
All routes will be mowed three times:
- Prior to the observed date for Memorial Day
- During the month of July
- Between October 1 and Thanksgiving
Mowing is to begin during week of April 15th. Adjustments can be made as necessary for routes that remain in the Pre-emerge Herbicide Program. Mowing widths or schedules may be modified to accommodate certain established wild flower areas. Swath widths on first and second mowings will be 10' wide measured from the nearest paved surface (roadway or shoulder).The swath width for the final mowing will be 30' from the pavement edge or less depending on distance to right-of-way or non-mowable well-established vegetation and as follows:
On non-divided routes:
Mow up to full R/W width every cycle in front of people’s homes where they might stop their mowing at the R/W line. Mow full width every cycle within urban parts of cities or towns. Mow full width on final mowing cycle along frontage of properties that are cleared and maintained by cultivating, mowing, grazing, or haying. For wooded or brushy property or where requested by the property owner, mow the 30 maximum width as described above. It is recognized that due to manpower and equipment limitations, total compliance with the guidelines may not be accomplished on all routes. Priorities based on usage and continuity may be required.