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Pavement Profiling and Marking

This Maintenance Section is under the supervision of the Staff Maintenance Engineer, who also serves as the Maintenance Division Liaison for Districts 4 and 9.

Statewide Pavement Marking Crews

The Statewide Pavement Marking or Striping Crews are responsible for striping new seal jobs, minor overlays, patches and left turn installations by the Districts and for maintenance restriping of all routes. There are six striping crews, one of which installs thermoplastic pavement markings and five crews that install waterborne paint. Each crew consists of a Striping Crew Supervisor, a Striping Machine Driver, a Paint Transport Truck Driver, and one or two Striper Helpers. The Striping Superintendent along with a Striping Traffic Investigator oversees all six crews.

Each week a striping schedule is prepared by the Striping Superintendent and distributed to central office operations Staff and to each District. This schedule lists the routes and sections where the work is being performed and the type of work being performed by each crew. It also lists the previous week's accomplishments.

Statewide Pavement Profiling Crews

The Statewide Pavement Profiling Crews are responsible for providing pavement-profiling (milling) services to the Districts. The purpose of pavement profiling is to remove asphalt and occasionally concrete from the roadway surface to restore a riding surface or as preparation for an overlay. The Division has two milling machines that operate throughout the state at locations requested by the Districts. The scheduling for these machines begins in January with a list from the Districts of the locations that they are aware of that will need milling in the upcoming year. The schedule has the flexibility to meet the changing needs of the Districts throughout the year.

Each crew consists of a Crew Leader, a Pavement Profiler Operator, and a Lowboy/ Float Truck Driver. The Job Superintendent supervises the daily operations of both crews. The crews are responsible for transporting, operating, and maintaining these machines and their supporting equipment. When the machine is milling, the operator is usually up on the machine's platform operating the drum, steering the machine, and running the conveyer that is dumping material into the dump trucks. The crew leader and truck driver are on the ground checking the grade and slope of the cut as well as looking out for manhole covers, valves, or any other obstacles that may be in the roadway.

The District's maintenance crews support the milling operation. The District provides traffic control, sweepers, water trucks, and dump trucks. The milled material is stockpiled and used for other roadway maintenance such as shoulder repair and drives.


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